All posts by Cyril Concolato

MP4 demuxer examples

⚠ The content of this page may be outdated.
Please refer to this page for more up to date information:


Dear followers,

At the request of some people, we have added to GPAC some sample applications demonstrating how to use GPAC to demux MP4 files. They are not full applications, just examples taking some MP4 files as input and displaying some information about the media samples contained in the file.

So far, we have added 3 sample applications:

  • a basic demuxer called ‘bmp4demux’ capable of reading and dispatching media access units from fragmented or non-fragmented MP4 files, progressively (i.e. while the file is being written);
  • a segment based demux called ‘segmp4demuxer‘ capable of dispatching media units from media segments, where the input data is framed.  This is what is used for the DASH support;
  • and a more advanced demuxer, called ‘fmp4demux’ capable of dispatching media units in streaming mode (i.e. reclaiming resources once media units have been dispatched), where the input data comes from fragmented mp4 but is not framed, i.e. the data in the buffer passed to the demuxer does not start or end at segment or fragment boundaries.

Continue reading MP4 demuxer examples

How to file a bug properly

Please note, this page has been updated. The latest info can be found here.

GPAC is becoming quite a large piece of software and, unfortunately despite our care, is not bug-free… This is where you, as GPAC users, can help. If you discover a problem, you can report it using our GitHub bug tracker (old bugs were in our Sourceforge bug tracker ) .

Filing a bug, if this is done well, is the best way to ensure that the problem will be fixed. However, if the bug is not filed correctly, it is the best way to ensure that it won’t get fixed. This post gives guidelines on how to file a bug, properly. Continue reading How to file a bug properly


⚠ The content of this page may be outdated.
Please refer to this page for more up to date information:


This week was held in Incheon, South Korea, the 104th MPEG meeting. For this occasion, the GPAC team worked hard to prepare the following contribution.


This contribution discusses SVC, WebVTT and in particular the support for MPEG-HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding, a.k.a. H.265) packaging, streaming and playback in GPAC. I’ve extracted the HEVC related part of this contribution in this post. Continue reading MPEG-HEVC Support in GPAC


This week was held in Incheon, South Korea, the 104th MPEG meeting. For this occasion, the GPAC team worked hard to prepare the following contribution.


This contribution discusses MPEG-HEVC (see this post), WebVTT and in particular the support for MPEG Scalable Video Coding (SVC) packaging, streaming and playback in GPAC. I’ve extracted the SVC related part of this contribution in this post. Continue reading MPEG-SVC in GPAC